Filling in the gaps...

9:00 pm Saturday, 22nd January, 2022


I realized yesterday that unbelievably in my last post about my interests I somehow neglected to mention food! So to quickly remedy this oversight, I'll say that I very much like it - I'm by no means a gourmet, being more one of the lucky people who enjoys most food, even if the quality isn't high (there are of course limits to this, and there's also a short list of things I don't enjoy - olives being high on it). I do like variety, and pretty much every type of cuisine I've tried. A really good meal is a wonderful experience.

Luckily I have also always enjoyed cooking, and though my enthusiasm can vary over time, I'm usually willing to take the time to learn how to cook recipes I like the look of; many of these have joined the ranks of my regular favourites.

On the drink front I'm a bit less omnivorous - I don't like coffee, sadly, so what caffeine I get is in tea; I do enjoy the odd stronger drink - beer has never appealed to me, and wine and cocktails are my standbys. For some reason I almost never drink alone, it just doesn't do much for me, but in (the right) company I can and do push the boat out.

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Experienced Dom looking for play partners.